Friday, September 3, 2010

JEFF and the brotherhood

Back in June Bobby went to see JEFF and the brotherhood and told me it was amazing. He wasn't alone, everyone who was at that show told me it fucking ruled, so when it was announced that they would be back September 2nd I was stoked.

After experiencing it first hand I can honestly say that it was pretty damn near perfect. These dudes have it figured out for sure. Nashville is officially not useless.

Also, Wizzard Sleeve from Alabama played but I missed it due to getting caught in a torrential downpour. Bobby said they were 'a little gothy but still punk' - so I guess that's good.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Starting September Off Right

Last night was the Loose Dudes record release show at The Empty Bottle
as I write this I am still covered in beer and champagne.

I believe this photo accurately shows how awesome it was

this will be on repeat for the next month