The last time I was dumped I was 19. My skater boyfriend totally broke up with me at a party while we were wasted, and I freaked out. Some how I punched my best friend in the face before being thrown into a car against my will and driven home because I was a sobbing/screaming/punching mess. Last night I was dumped by what felt like 4 boyfriends all at once.
For anyone who had asked me in the past few months how things with Summer Girlfriends was going inevitably got an earful about how much I had a hated being around a bunch of passive aggressive vaginas normal girls all the time (Caitlin excluded). That being said, I did love playing music with them and eating pizza every week. I always thought we were having fun. If I learned anything from this experience it is that I shouldn't be in an all girl band, and that I should actually learn how to play a guitar.
I assure you, this is NOT the last band I will be kicked out of :)