Monday, June 14, 2010


I really wish I did this blog update immediately after seeing The Dutchess and The Duke so it would have been fresh in my memory. Instead it's a week later and I'm trying to write this before I run out to see more awesome people play awesome music.

I also wish that I brought both a video camera and a regular camera to capture every moment of the fucked up debauchery that took place that night.
Instead I've stolen photos off facebook from Michelle Lighthiser and some youtube footage from Erika Samuels.

Highlights for me include:
-breaking into laughter when Kimberly and Jesse look at each other
-singing guitar sounds when Kim didn't know how to play the part
-Rich having to join the band
-Matt Holland just jumping on stage and playing the drum
-starting a song several times because they couldn't play it and then just saying Fuck It and played it anyways
-singing on top of the bar
-Matt and I both jumping on stage and singing I Am Just a Ghost
-the coy hellos to Jeanine
-seeing a band as drunk as possible having as much fun as possible

This was by far the most amazing show I've ever seen at the Empty Bottle and will probably remain in my memory as one of the best shows I've ever seen in my life. I should note that BEST does not mean - in any way - good. It was, as Jesse put it, a totally fucked up punk show.

This photo is from the beginning of the night - you can tell because Jesse is still playing the tambourine and isn't hiding behind the amps.

the show was doomed from the start - the day that they were leaving Seattle to come to Chicago, to kick off their tour with The New Pornographers, I saw Jesse's status update on facebook saying 'see you in a month Seattle'
Then an hour later another update
'I just got 5 stitches'
minutes later another update
this time a photo of Jesse with a gigantic bandage around his finger

So with a day before the show in Chicago Oscar had to learn all the songs on guitar, Kim had to learn different parts and Jared who usually plays keyboard was now playing the drum/tambourine. Luckily Melissa still just played bass.

this is where the night really took a turn towards super awesome - about 2/3 into they announce the next song would take place 'over there' and pointed all the way across the room to the end of the bar where the piano, that no one ever touches, lives.
Being the huge nerd that I am I jumped up and joined Melissa to sing along while Jesse and Kim got up on the bar - I'm so happy there is youtube of this. It's really amazing.

Jesse up on the bar - photo taken from my shitty little phone

Watch these - they are awesome.
If you can find more from the night watch those too - every song was fucking terribly perfect.

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